Glossary of terms
- Button “RECALL THIS”: you can reserve a book, only if all books with a lending period for 30 days are borrowed. You cannot reserve books with orange label "On-site loan" or journals.
- For 30 days (green): you can borrow this copy for 30 days (each item can be renewed twice, but renewal is not possible if the item is reserved by another reader)
- For 30 days – depository: books are stored in the depository (archive); in order to borrow them it is necessary to place and order in the catalogue (all documents will be delivered within 15 minutes on all working days until 16.00.)
- For 30 days, checked out until (red): a books is lent and currently unavailable; the date of the expected return is displayed
- E-books loan: to process your request, click on the “PLACE AN ORDER” button
- In-house loan (orange): books for in-house use only (to be used only within the study room), they are not available for loans
- In-house loan – depository: books are stored in the depository (archive) and they are to be used only within the reading room; in order to borrow them it is necessary to place and order in the catalogue (all documents will be delivered within 15 minutes on all working days until 16.00.)
- Long-term loan: copies for TBU employees borrowed on a long-term basis (see location); can be borrowed to other Library users with those conditions
- Specific loan: copies located in a faculty libraries; cannot be borrowed or reserved
- Loan prohibited: non-accessible Bachelor’s, Master’s and Doctoral theses, cannot be borrowed or consulted on-site
- In process: the item is being processed, please check the availability of the item by e-mail